Breath Test Defenses

Breath test machines are notoriously thrown off by radio frequency interference from car radios, microwave ovens and cellular phones. They are also poor at detecting mouth alcohol that contaminates the breath sample. If you blow into the machine when you have residual alcohol in your mouth, the machine will register the mouth alcohol, greatly inflating your BAC. There are dozens of causes of mouth alcohol, including:

DUI Defense #26

→ GERD/acid reflux

DUI Defense #27

→ Dentures or dental cavities

DUI Defense #28

→ Faulty slope detector

DUI Defense #29

→ Elevated body temperature

DUI Defense #30

→ Asthma inhalants

DUI Defense #31

→ Interfering substances caused increased BAC

DUI Defense #32

→ Ketosis caused by high-protein diets

DUI Defense #33

→ Radio frequency interference